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Hello,i just wanna make a short post.
Makeups are awesome during the day. Could make the face go gaga if not washed out at the end of the day. No doubt, people still go to bed with their mascara,eyeliner and all that stuff still on. What's the excuse? Too tired? Weather being too cold? It's late already?

Whatever is your excuse,never. I repeat,never retire for the night with your makeup still on. There's no such thing as wiping out the lipstick alone and leaving the eyeliner and eyeshadow. Wipe all baby...
Am gonna give a short rundown of effects of sleeping over with make up.

How bad could this whole thing be? A few times could hurt bad. Sleeping in your make up can result in unnecessary exposure to the free radicals in the environment,which the makeup holds on to. Free radicals cause the break down of healthy collagen which results in fine lines on the skin. This can clog the pores while you sleep,resulting in the development of acne. One night of sleeping in your make up is unlikely to cause long lasting damage to your skin. Each night you sleep in your makeup,your pores become more clogged.

It causes wrinkles too because during the day you accumulate a lot of oxidative stress. When you sleep in your makeup,you dont give your skin a chance to recover which can lead to premature ageing. Note that free radicals from the environment remain in the skin when you do not clean up your face at night.

How about cleaning the face and leaving the eye makeup? This could lead to problems. Mascara and eyeliner can be rubbed by your pillow and end up in your eyes which can lead to significant eye irritation. This could result in the clogging of the tiny hair follicles and oil glands on your eyelids. When theses areas become clogged,bactaria can build up and cause inflammation.

Now,what really happens after all this? You will break out,your complexion will appear dull,your skin will look older,you will have acne. If you already have acne,you will end up making it worse. You will put yourself at risk for an may develop a rash.
                 The bottom line is even if your super tired. Wash your face before heading to bed. Your skin will thank you later. If you wore a heavy makeup during the day,start with a wipe or a gentle cleaser to help lift up impurities...
Do you have a habit of taking your makeup off before you go to bed? What are your experiences? Do share.

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